


2012 KIAS International Conference on Coding Theory and Applications

Date: November 15~17, 2012  / KIAS 5th floor Seminar room (1503), SEOUL


Coding Theory is the science of reliable communications.
This 2012 KIAS International Conference is the first internation conference on Codint Theory in Korea, followed by the 2011 POSTECH Workshop on Coding Theory.
We invite international experts in Coding and its related fields from and out of Korea and share the ideas for collaborations.


Invited Speakers


Claude Carlet (Univ. Paris 8)

Olav Geil (Aalborg Univ.)

Markus Grassl (Nat. Univ. Singapore)

Denis S. Krotov (Sobolev institute of Mathematics)

Hongwei Liu (Central China Normal Univ.)

Tatsuya Maruta (Osaka Prefecture Univ.)

Arunkumar R. Patil (SGGS IE & T)
Patrick Solé (CNRS)


Eun Ju Cheon (Gyeongsang National Univ.)

Soohak Choi (Ewha Womans Univ.)

Sunghyu Han (Korea Univ. of Tech and Edu)

Jong Yoon Hyun (Ewha Womans Univ.)
Hyun Jin Kim (Ewha Womans Univ.)

Hyun Kwang Kim (POSTECH)

Jaewan Kim (KIAS)

Seungkook Park (Sookmyung Womans Univ.)

Young Ho Park (Kangwon National Univ.)

Hong-Yeop Song (Yonsei Univ.)

Phan Thanh Toan (POSTECH)



Organizing Committee


Jinsung Park (KIAS)

Jon-Lark Kim, Chairman (Sogang Univ.)

Yoonjin Lee (Ewha Womans Univ.)
Kwankyu Lee (Chosun Univ.)
Sunghyu Han (Korea Univ. of Tech and Edu)
Jong Yoon Hyun (Ewha Womans Univ.)


KIAS Conference