

Korea-Japan Joint Conference in

Algebraic Geometry

Date : 19 ~ 23. Aug. 2012 / Place : Gunsan, Ritz-Plaza Hotel


This conference is organized to enhance the interaction between the algebraic geometry communities of Korea and Japan. The cooperation of algebraic geometers of the two countries has been very active and fruitful in the last decade. To help continuing this valuable tradition, young researchers are invited to present their current research and a number of distinguished scholars are invited to help stimulating the academic interaction.


Invited Speakers:

Insong Choe (Konkuk U.)

-Higher secant varieties and Segre invariants of orthogonal/symplectic bundles
Sung Rak Choi (POSTECH)

-On partially ample divisors

Kiryong Chung (KIAS)

-Geometry of the moduli space of semistable sheaves on the projective plane

Yoshinori Gongyo (U. Tokyo)
-Remarks on the non-vanishing conjecture

Kangjin Han (KIAS)

-Structures of the linear strands of free resolutions and generalized K_{p,1}-theorem
DongSeon Hwang (Ajou U.)

-Redundant blow-ups and Cox rings of rational surfaces
Donghoon Hyeon (POSTECH)

-Birational geometry of moduli space of stable curves

Atsushi Ito (U. Tokyo)

-Seshadri constants and degrees of defining polynomials

Kotaro Kawatani (Osaka U.)

-A hyperbolic metric and stability conditions on K3 surfaces with Picard rank 1 Dano Kim (Seoul National U.)

-Extension of sections and Log-canonical centers
Takuzo Okada (Saga U.)
-Birationally birigid Q-Fano threefolds
Shinnosuke Okawa (U. Tokyo)

-Derived category of smooth proper Deligne-Mumford stack with p_g>0
Akiyoshi Sannai (U. Tokyo)

-Dual F-signature

Takato Uehara (Niigata U.)

-On automorphisms of rational surfaces



Organizing Committee:

Jun-Muk Hwang (KIAS)

Yujiro Kawamata (U. Tokyo)

JongHae Keum (KIAS)
Yongnam Lee (Sogang U.)

Keiji Oguiso (Osaka U.)