-2009 KIAS-POSTECH Number Theory Workshop-

-2009 KIAS-POSTECH Number Theory Workshop-

Date : June 26 - 28, 2009

Place : POSCO International Center at POSTECH: Room A(2nd Floor) , Pohang

Invited Speakers :

William Duke(UCLA, USA)

Jens Funke(University of Durham, UK)

Winfried Kohnen(University of Heidelberg, Germany)

Tonghai Yang (University of Wisconsin, USA)




Organizing Committee : 

YounJu Choie(Postech, yhc@postech.ac.kr)

Youn-Seo Choi(KIAS, y-choi2@kias.re.kr)

Local Staffs: I. Jeoun: hoina03@postech.ac.kr : 054-279-3812

S. Lee: yell321@posetch.ac.kr: 054-279-2982

H.Nam: hisgrace@postech.ac.kr: 054-279-5510


This is partially supported by KIAS, KOSEF, POSTECH BK21 and PMI
