
KIAS Summer School on Homogeneous dynamics


Date: July 2~6, 2013
Place: 5F Seminar room/ KIAS, Seoul, Korea


2013 KIAS Summer School designed for graduate students and young postdocs, this summer school is an introduction to the theory of homogenous dynamics, and its various applictaions. Each lecturer will give 1~3 introductory lectures.




Emmanuel Breuillard (Paris-Sud 11 University, France)
-Unitary representations and Spectral gaps

Manfred Einsiedler (ETH, Swiss)
-The classification of positive entropy measures for diagonal actions

Alex Eskin (Chicago, USA)
-The SL(2,R) action on Moduli space

Alex Furman (UIC, USA)
-Introductory lectures on Ergodic theory

Dmitry Kleinbock (Brandeis University USA)
-Homogeneous dynamics and Diophantine approximations


Amir Mohammadi (UT, Austin, USA)
-Unipotent flows on homogeneous spaces

Andreas Strömbergsson (Uppsala, Sweden)
-Spectral theory and some cases of effective equidistribution in homogeneous spaces




Organizing Committee:
Emmanuel Breuillard (Orsay, France)

Dmitry Kleinbock (Brandeis, USA)
Seonhee Lim (Seoul National, Korea)
Hee Oh (Yale, USA & KIAS, Korea)




Kangwon Lee(