The 1st KIAS Conference on Subcellular Dynamics


The 1st KIAS Conference on Subcellular Dynamics


Date: Jul. 25 2011-Jul. 28 2011

Place: International Conference Hall (Bldg #1, 1st floor), KIAS, Seoul, Korea 


Conference abstract

Cell is a multi-component machine exhibiting a tremendous range of complex behaviors in the spatiotemporal domain. Understanding the dynamics of the cellular components and their cooperative effects is a significant scientific challenge that requires integrated approaches of a broad spectrum of disciplines. The 1st KIAS Conference on Subcellular Dynamics aims to bring researchers in diverse areas yet with common interests in the biophysical or biomechanical aspects of the molecular building blocks of the cell. This focused conference is anticipated to promote cross-disciplinary and also international interactions on the emerging topics of the multidisciplinary bioscience.



Changbong Hyeon (KIAS)

Wonmuk Hwang (Texas A&M)

Seok-Cheol Hong (Korea Univ.)


Dennis Discher (Univ. Penn)

Marileen Dogterom (AMOLF)

Steven Gross (UC Irvine)

Michael Hinczewski (Univ. Maryland) 

Seok-Cheol Hong (Korea Univ.)

Wonmuk Hwang (Texas A&M)

Shin'ichi Ishiwata (Waseda Univ.)

Roger Kamm (MIT)

Stefan Klumpp (Max Planck Instit.) 

Matthew Lang (Vanderbilt Univ.)

Jong Bong Lee (Postech)

Nam Ki Lee (Postech)

Kyoung Jin Lee (Korea Univ.)

Alex Mogilner (UC Davis)

Etsuko Muto (RIKEN BSI)

José N. Onuchic (UC San Diego)

Matthias Rief (Technischen Universität München)

Masaki Sasai (Nagoya Univ.)

Wokyung Sung (Postech)

Dave Thirumalai (Univ. Maryland)

Paul Whitford (LANL)

Toshio Yanagida (Osaka Univ.)

Tae Young Yoon (KAIST)