The 2nd KIAS Conference on Subcellular Dynamics
Date: Jun. 10 2013-Jun. 12 2013
Venue: Room 1503 (Bldg #1, 5th floor), KIAS, Seoul, Korea
Conference abstract
Cell is a multi-component machine, where one can easily confront organized complexity on a wide range of length and time scales. Understanding the dynamics of individual cellular components and their interactions is a significant scientific challenge that requires a broader perspective from diverse disciplines. This conference aims to bring a mixture of experimentalists and theoretical biophysicists. We anticipate this conference to promote cross-disciplinary interactions on the emerging topics in biosciences, which includes genomics, regulations of transcription/translation processes, and molecular motors, at both the single molecule and subcellular levels.
Changbong Hyeon (KIAS)
Wonmuk Hwang (Texas A&M)
Seok-Cheol Hong (Korea Univ.)