
The 2nd KIAS Conference on Subcellular Dynamics

 Date: Jun. 10 2013-Jun. 12 2013

Venue:  Room 1503 (Bldg #1, 5th floor), KIAS, Seoul, Korea 


Conference abstract

Cell is a multi-component machine, where one can easily confront organized complexity on a wide range of length and time scales. Understanding the dynamics of individual cellular components and their interactions is a significant scientific challenge that requires a broader perspective from diverse disciplines. This conference aims to bring a mixture of experimentalists and theoretical biophysicists. We anticipate this conference to promote cross-disciplinary interactions on the emerging topics in biosciences, which includes genomics, regulations of transcription/translation processes, and molecular motors, at both the single molecule and subcellular levels. 



Changbong Hyeon (KIAS)
Wonmuk Hwang (Texas A&M)
Seok-Cheol Hong (Korea Univ.)


Hashim M. Al-Hashimi (Univ. Michigan)
Kwang-Hyun Cho (KAIST)
Stefan Diez (TU Dresden)
Steven Gross (UC Irvine)
Doseok Kim (Sogang Univ.)

Mahn Won Kim (Changwon Univ.) 
Youngjoon Kim (Yonsei Univ.)
Jong Bum Lee (Univ. Seoul)
Hyungsuk Lee (Yonsei Univ.)
Nam-Kyung Lee (Sejong Univ.)
Erel Levine (Harvard Univ.)
Michael Lin (Stanford Univ.)
François Nédélec (EMBL, Heidelberg)
Fyl Pincus (UC Santa Barbara)
Masaki Sasai (Nagoya Univ.)
Ji-Joon Song (KAIST)
Thomas Surrey (London Research Instit.)
Dave Thirumalai (Univ. Maryland, College Park)
Michio Tomichige (Tokyo Univ.)
Blake Wiedenheft (Montana State Univ.)
Jie Yan (Natl. Univ. Singapore)
Michael Zhang (UT Dallas & Tsinghua Univ.)