
KIAS Summer School on Mirror Symmetry

Mirror Constructions for Fano Varieties

June 6 ~ 11, 2011

Resom Ocean Castle / Anmyundo

The topics of this summer school are "Mirror Constructions for Fano Varieties" and "Gromov-Witten Theory for Normal Crossing Varieties". These two topics are related via toric degenerations and main periods. 

We will have two main lecture series:
Galkin's lectures: "Mirror constructions for Fano varieites".
Parker's lectures: "Gromov-Witten invariants of exploded manifolds"  

The latter will include defining GW invariant relative to normal crossing divisors and their gluing theorem.

Invited Speakers 

Ionut Ciocan-Fontanine (Univ. of Minnesota / KIAS)
Sergey Galkin (IPMU)
Changzheng Li (KIAS)
Brett Parker (MPIM-Bonn)
Sukmoon Huh (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)

Ionut Ciocan-Fontanine (Univ. of Minnesota / KIAS)
Bumsig Kim (KIAS)
Changzheng Li (KIAS)


Kangwon Lee (kwlee@kias.re.kr)