Bo Berndtsson (Chalmers)
- Symmetrization and variation of plurisubharmonic functions
Mark de Cataldo (Stony Brook)
- The projectors of the decomposition theorem are absolute Hodge
Henri Gillet (U. Illinois, Chicago)
- Fields of definition for projective varieties
Sam Grushevsky (Stony Brook)
- Meromorphic differentials with real periods and the geometry of the moduli space of curves
Radu Laza (Stony Brook)
- The KSBA compactification for the moduli space of degree two K3 surfaces
Shouhei Ma (Nagoya)
- The rationality of the moduli spaces of trigonal curves
Martin Möller (Frankfurt)
- Commensurability of non-arithmetic lattices in PU(1,n)
Keiji Oguiso (Osaka, KIAS)
- Automorphisms of Calabi-Yau manifolds of Picard number two - emphasizing hyperkaehler case
Zsolt Patakfalvi (Princeton)
- Shafarevich conjecture for the moduli space of canonically polarized manifolds
Mihai Paun (KIAS)
- Orbifold generic semi-positivity: an application to families of canonically polarized manifolds
Georg Schumacher (Marburg)
- Holomorphic vector bundles on orbifolds
Yum-Tong Siu (Harvard Univ.)
- Old problems and new perspectives in complex geometry
Dongsoo Shin (Chungnam Univ.)
- Construction of surfaces of general type via Q-Gorenstein smoothing
Xiaotao Sun (Chinese Academy, Beijing)
- Etale fundamental groups and D-modules in char. p>0
Shengli Tan (ECNU, Shanghai)
- Modular invariants of families of curves and applications
Misha Verbitsky (Moscow)
- Ratner theorem and ergodic complex structures on hyperkaehler manifolds
Sai Kee Yeung (Purdue)
- On negatively curved Finsler metrics and Kobayashi hyperbolicity of moduli spaces of principally polarized manifolds
Kang Zuo (Mainz)
- Semi-stable Higgs bundles, representations of algebraic fundamental groups and deformations of families of varieties over positive and mixed characteristic