Workshop on Hyperbolic geometry, geometric structures and bounded cohomology


Workshop on

Hyperbolic geometry, geometric structures and bounded cohomology


Date: 2012-11-21 ~ 2012-11-24

Place: Seminar room 1503 / KIAS


This workshop focuses on recent developments of hyperbolic geometry, bounded cohomology, geometric structures. Specially we try to find interplay between these three topics. Each topic could be a useful tool to other subjects. For example hyperbolic geometry inspired the other two subjects and the other two subjects can be implemented to study hyperbolic geometry in more depths.

Invited Speakers:

Raquel Diaz (Complutense, Madrid)

Vincent Emery (Stanford)

Oskar Hamlet (Gothenbourg)

Inkang Kim (KIAS)

Sungwoon Kim (KIAS)

Thilo Kuessner (KIAS)

Cyril Lecuire (Toulouse)

Ken'ichi Ohshika (Osaka)

Andres Sambarino (Orsay)

Ser Peow Tan (Singapore)



Inkang Kim (KIAS)