
6th Pacific Rim Conference on Complex Geometry

Date: August 8~12, 2011
Place: Gyeong Ju TEMF Hotel(경주 교육문화회관)

Invited Speakers

Garrett ALSTON (Kansas State)

- Floer cohomology of real Lagrangians in the quintic
Bo BERNDTSSON (Chalmers)

- A generalization of the Bando-Mabuchi theorem to twisted Kahler-Einstein equations

Marco BRUNELLA (Bourgogne)
Foliations and non-Kählerian surfaces

Young-Jun CHOI (Postech)

- Di_erential geometric models in almost complex manifolds
Tien-Cuong DINH (Paris)

- Entropy and dynamical degrees for meromorphic maps

- Contacting the moon
Pak Tung HO (Sogang)

- Results related to Yamabe problem and CR Yamabe problem
Kang-Hyurk LEE (KIAS)

- On the bounded realization of unbounded models

An-Min LI (Sichuan)

- The Extremal Kahler Metrics on Toric Surfaces

Toshiki MABUCHI (Osaka)

- Precompactness of the moduli space of test configurations
Ngaiming MOK (Hong Kong)

- Analytic continuation for germs of holomorphic maps between bounded symmetric domains

Stefan NEMIROVSKI (Steklov)

- Global extension of local CR-diffeomorphisms
Nessim SIBONY (Paris)

- Holomorphic foliations by Riemann Surfaces
Jian SONG (Rutgers)

- Kahler-Ricci flow and analytic minimal model progoram
Song SUN (Imperial College)

- Uniqueness of constant scalar curvature Kahler metrics

Shigeharu TAKAYAMA (Tokyo)

- On higher direct images of twisted sheaves of differential forms
Dima TAMARKIN (Northwest)

- Contact non-squeezability via microlocal analysis
Andrei TELEMAN (Marseille)

- The classifications of class VII surfaces. New approaches, new results
Hajime TSUJI (Sophia)

- Relative K\"ahler-Ricci flow and the Ricci iterations

- Foliations modelling nonrational toric varieties


Scientific Committee

Akito FUTAKI (Tokyo Tech.)
Toshiki MABUCHI (Osaka)
Yong-Geun OH (Wisconsin)
Xiaohua ZHU (Beijing)


Yong-Geun OH (Wisconsin)
Mihai PAUN (Nancy/KIAS)