Summer School on Mirror Symmetry
Date : June 21 - 25, 2010Place : Seminar room 7323, KIAS, Seoul
The main topic is on the Hodge-theoretic aspects of Mirror Symmetry.There will be four minicourses by
Claus Hertling (Mannheim Univ.) Oscillating integrals and non-commutative Hodge structures Hiroshi Iritani (Kyoto Univ.) Hodge theory of Landau-Ginzburg model and its quantization
Victor Przyjalkowski(Steklov Mathematical Institute) Quantitative approach to Mirror Symmerty: weak Landau--Ginzburg models, their properties and invariants.Kazushi Ueda (Osaka Univ.) Dimers, coamoebas and homological mirror symmetry
ContactKangwon Lee(