Scope and Goal
The workshop aims to present new ideas in condensed matter physics and to facilitate scientific exchange and collaboration among participants. Its theme includes quantum electron transport, electron correlations, and nonequilibrium effects in mesoscopic, quantum Hall, and topological systems.
Venue and Time
5th Floor Seminar Room, KIAS, Seoul, Korea August 27 (Mon) to 30 (Thu), 2012
Invited speakers
Invited speakers
Mahn-Soo Choi (Korea Univ.) Yunchul Chung (Pusan National Univ.) Yong-Joo Doh (Korea Univ.) V. Galitski (Univ. of Maryland) L. Glazman (Yale Univ.) T. Ihn (ETH) J. K. Jain (Penn State Univ.) Gun Sang Jeon (Ewha Womans Univ.) Hu-Jong Lee (POSTECH) Hongki Min (Seoul National Univ.) Y. Oreg (Weizmann Institute) Kwon Park (KIAS) F. Pierre (CNRS-LPN) A. Pinczuk (Columbia Univ.) B. Rosenow (Leipzig Univ.) S. Simon (Oxford Univ.) S. Tarucha (Univ. of Tokyo) F. von Oppen (Free Univ. of Berlin) X. C. Xie (Peking Univ.)
Heung-Sun Sim (KAIST) Yuval Gefen (Weizmann Institute) Yong Baek Kim (Univ. of Toronto and KIAS) Kwon Park (KIAS)
*supported by KIAS, KAIST (BK21 program), NRF (Korea-Israeli Joint Research)
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Sosan Bae / Secretary in
School of Physics E-mail: Tel: 82-2-958-3708 Fax: