Title & Abstract
Mahn-Soo Choi
Noise Correlations in Superconductor/Topological Insulator Nanostructures
Yunchul Chung
Charge frustration in a triangular triple quantum dot induced by geometrical symmetry
Yong-Joo Doh
Hybrid Devices of Topological Insulator Nanoribbons
V. Galitski
Stimulation of quantum phases by time-dependent perturbations
L. Glazman
Electron backscattering in a generic helical edge
T. Ihn
Dipole coupling a double quantum dot to a microwave resonator
J. K. Jain
From Hofstadter to Chern
Gun Sang Jeon
Spin-orbit interactions and topological properties of pyrochlore iridates
Hu-Jong Lee
Gate-Tuned Access to Quantum States in Graphene-based Josephson Junctions
Hongki Min
Transport and screening properties of multilayer graphene
Y. Oreg
Majoranas in wire networks
Kwon Park
Dielectric Breakdown and Non-equilibrium Steady State of Strongly Correlated
Electrons under Electric Field
F. Pierre
Energy relaxation along the quantum Hall edge channels
A. Pinczuk
Spectroscopy of Low-lying Excitations in the Second (N=1) Landau Level
B. Rosenow
Dephasing by a Zero Temperature Detector and the Friedel Sum Rule
S. Simon
Quantum Braiding Statistics and Quantum Hall Interferometry
S. Tarucha
Manipulation and Detection of Non-local Spin Entanglement with Quantum Dots
F. von Oppen
Current-induced forces in nanoelectromechanical systems
X. C. Xie
Spin current and its superfluid